2015년 개정 영어 천재(이재영)
Lesson 1. Opening a New Chapter
Lesson 2. The Power of Creativity
Lesson 3. Living Together
Lesson 4. The Door to the World
Lesson 5. Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice
Lesson 6. Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts
Lesson 7. Science Everywhere
Lesson 8. Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts
2015년 개정 영어 천재(김태영)
Lesson 1. New Start, New Goals
Lesson 2. How "Green" Are You?
Lesson 3. Together We Grow
Lesson 4. Speak to Be Heard
Lesson 5. For a Better World
Lesson 6. Pack Up and Go
Lesson 7. Beyond Earth
Lesson 8. Korean Culture Rediscovered
Lesson 3. Helping Hands
Lesson 4. Be Nature Smart
Advanced Reading 1 The Curse of the Egyptian Ring
Lesson 5. Beg to Differ
Lesson 6. Beyond Korea
Lesson 7. A Step Forward
Lesson 8. Bon Voyage
Advanced Reading 2 The Panama Canal
회사명: 더한국어ㅣ 주소: 서울특별시 강서구 강서로8길 72 101호 ㅣ 대표: 박도현 ㅣ 사업자등록번호: 669-69-00295
통신판매업신고: 제 2023-서울강서-0095 호 ㅣ 고객센터: 070-4060-8210 평일 아침 10시 ~ 오후 5시 점심 시간 오후 1시 ~ 2시ㅣ 통Terms of Use ㅣ Privacy